I talked to xxxx. She still lives in the same house with her daughter, right opposite the unit I saw on Sunday.
I asked how good/bad her area is. She admitted her area (Myrtle) is not as good as our current location (Flushing Ave). She said there are some government housing (high-rise) near Hart St. I said many poor family live in such government housing. She said many youngsters from those families do not get good parental control. Some teenagers attacked her (before she became pregnant). They hit her from behind with a stick and she lost consciousness for a brief second.
I asked her why she still lives there. I think she knows her area is no good. She shrugged off — “i have no fear”. I challenger her “A young mother with a young daughter, the most vulnerable people in such an unsafe area”. She agreed. But she added she got to know everyone in her neighbourhood (black, hispanic, …), and she often says hello to them. She said “他们不会为难我”.
Myrtle is probably the dirtiest place we ever live in our life. People (perhaps youngsters?) throw newspapers, bottles, food, plastic bags on the street, and there seems to be no control on them. In Singapore, these litterbugs would be fined, and there are more paid cleaners even in old run-down areas like Toa Payoh Central.
When we were a young couple we could live in Myrtle or Flushing ave area. With dabao I now realize this area is simply too dirty for a baby to grow up in. I think people who raise their kids here are all low-income families, mostly Black and Hispanic.
Remember Aunty Gennifer also said this (Flushing Ave) is a bad neighborhood. Most people here are probably fine and even polite, but you can say the same about any bad neighborhood. Visit Newark and read the Broken Window theory. The general public’s sense of safety is due to those /menacing/ 1% or 0.1% of the population inhabiting (rather than moving through) the neighborhood.
This is definitely not a good area for our family. I feel so poor living here.