2FH: adaptable to%%financial needs

Standard suburb home is a SFH. But consider buying a 2FH family home:

  1. In our conserver phase, we can rent out one unit. In a well-connected location, there would be low-income renters hoping to save commute cost and car cost.
  2. When we are more well-off, we can use both units. More privacy for me. We can merge the two units with an internal staircase.
  3. When kids grow up and move out we can rent out one unit.

— As renters, there are advantages in taking up a 2FH .. Many landlords much prefer dealing with a long-term single tenant so I can ask for a quantity discount like 15%, esp. if long term.

When I rent out I can select the tenant. I can also sublease individual rooms, but is delinquency more serious?

pay high pTax@@ Only@rental property please

As much as possible, I want to pay pTax only on rental property.

If you buy a big house for own use, then make sure pTax Rate is low.

If your chosen city for your  family home has a high pTax Rate,  then make sure it is modest size.

Until you have enough capital, just stay rented, and enjoy the flexibility.

Reality — rent level in a given city is raised by pTax.

  • If you occupy entire house then you enjoy no “offset”.
  • If you rent out a single room (perhaps in the attic) then you get a small offset because part of the rent is effectively pTax.
  • if you rent out entire floor you enjoy more offset
  • If you use the 43R model, then you could enjoy 110% offset.

show off big nice home@@

Remember Zhu Rong’s comment about my simple furnishing in James Madison #25-12 ?

I visited several Chinese middle class home in the U.S. and Singapore.  My home pales in comparison so I seldom invite friends over such as YLZ. I have always felt negative, a bit ashamed and inferior. This sentiment is natural immaturity. Most of us are immature. I think my dad would tell me to relax and let go.

Main focus today is the U.S. context. To a lesser extent, this blogpost also applies to Singapore. My wife envies those families living in luxury private housing.

Brbr Principle : pay for what’s important to your true self. Guard against mindless peer bench-marking and lifestyle creep

  • I pay for UChicago degree.’
  • I pay for well-connected location with short commute
  • I pay for frequent family reunion flights.
  • … but I don’t pay for a big, nice home just to show other people.

As national leader, LKY followed many unconventional principles.

In my case, this is another of my unconventional principles in personal finance. This and other principles underpin my Brbr, Fuller wealth, cashflow high ground, and bare-bones but growing ffree.

— rental yield is underwhelming in the fancy homes :

  • newer buildings
  • higher floor
  • bigger homes
  • bigger backyard

— fancy home as investment?

Like my sister, many middle-class families would justify their home purchase as something unlike a lavish vacation. Home purchase is an investment. Really? Such a big home entails burn rate burdens due to maintenance, mortgage, and taxes. Rental yield is discussed above. As investment, the saving grace is windfall appreciation.

As explained in big discretionary spends4Chinese middle-class]US and other blogposts a big home could entail up to $6k/M burn rate. Heavy burden.

— immigrant’s American dream — DeepakCM’s point. I think many immigrants come from developing countries. Even a middle class in the home country won’t have such big homes. So when they come to the U.S. they want to experience this part of the American dream.

— financially struggling family living in an expensive home, inherited or purchased

I think this scenario can be realistic — say, a family of four earning $7k/M living in a home worth $1000k.

Would they rather live in a $500k home (half the current home value) with the other half of the money invested somewhere producing $1000 to 3000 monthly rental income?

Answer depends on many factors such as home size, location, floor (the higher the more expensive), but I think if they are struggling financially, then they can trade those nice things for a simpler yet safe and comfortable home + steady income. Remember Ms Cheng’s Bayonne home?

So a big nice home is kinda unneeded and wasted, like a massive lifestyle creep.

Q: Between current income vs windfall appreciation, what’s more important? I guess for a struggling family (me?) income is.

overpriced property market: homeOwnership,sdxq..

In overpriced markets like Beijing, rental is relatively underpriced and represents a real bargain. However the Chinese doesn’t perceive the bargin in a positive light, due to a deep, long-held preference for ownership, as an essential basis of security, achievement, social status.

I feel it’s an irrational bias, although I could be biased.

How about sdxq homes? Poor bargain in terms of rental demand and commute

How about Ivy League colleges and UChicago? Poor bargain, according to Kyle.

In all of these cases, mainstream preference is NOT an accurate reflection of the correct priority in my situation. It’s crucial to honor my own preference (and wife’s) rather than other people’s preferences.

USD1.85M WCBA home: good||bad@@

in 2019, Yihai’s California friend (mid-40’s) bought a USD 1.85M home for his family of three. Household income is not that high — Apple engineer + accountant wife.

I guess they have no choice.

20% down payment = 370k. Mortgage installment would be $7k/month. Yihai used the term “mortgage slave”… At this price level, home ownership is impractical for many residents. Many would need to stay rented.

Looking at tri-state, at 700k price level, I would still consider it beyond me. So lease-spread is the way to go. Otherwise, consider condos.

Nirav pointed out that because of sky-high property costs, general retail prices will go up, same as the price differential in city center vs suburbs.

U.S.home price cycle #Wallace

Wallace is convinced that U.S. property appreciation cycle is visible and partially predictable. He also recognized China big cities follow no such cycle.

Wallace perceives buyer demand is largely determined by afford-ability of deposit + installment. Installment burden is controlled by mtg size and mtg rate.

To see the trend for a given property, look at the 2011-2013 trough and the 2007 peak.

Wallace feels mtg rate is rising in 2019, so valuation is very likely to drop across the country, not only in JC/Hoboken.

I feel Wallace is influenced by the Jersey City appreciations. I feel Bayonne is slightly different.

I feel there are bargains at any any time, but I agree that in a down turn there are more and better bargains. So I am grateful to Wallace.

Q: depreciation hurting current income?
A: I told Wallace that at my age, current income is more important than appreciation. If I’m unlucky to buy at a peak and don’t see any appreciation in the next N years, I will focus on current income. My core belief — rental income seldom drops even in a down market, and Wallace didn’t object. I believe rental income is affected Only by location + other factors listed in 43R model top 2 factors.

Same applies to my BGC property.

NJ pTax calc


lotVal + superstructureVal == assessment ~= mktVal

assessment * taxRate == taxPayable

Some NJ towns will provide a breakdown of lotVal and superstructureVal but with or without the breakdown, you can’t do much about lotVal. You can only dispute the total assessment.

Unconfirmed hearsay — If you subdivide a floor to create more rooms, the tax department may increase the superstructureVal. I was told the rationale is that mktVal is now higher.

cashflow pressure: rent iHt buy#graph{Rahul

https://www.zillow.com/rent-vs-buy-calculator/ is a nice graph Rahul showed me. It shows inflation !

2.5k can rent a nice small home in a reasonable location outside the luxury /belt/ like JC waterfront. With sublet I could take up a 3k house and collect 1k rental.

In contrast, if buying a 700k home, total burn rate could be 5k. Basically, high mtg and tax rate is applied on a big home value.

  • 3k mtg, depending on rate and amt
  • 1.5k tax. Bayonne tax is higher, but I won’t buy anything 700k in Bayonne.
  • maintenance costs like heating, cleaning,,,