U.S.condo: good4modest renters !!investor unless hot location

update: some renters prefer simpler life in a condo.

I now feel condo is very popular for renters, with

  • relatively new facilities
  • location — high rise buildings are worth building only at prime locations, often near transportation and shopping.

However, investors are often better off with SFH or 2FH because

  1. can subdivide into tiny rooms
  2. can live on one floor and rent out another floor
  3. can expand to add a room
  4. land appreciates
  5. no HOA to erode the rental yield

tristate renovation cost level

  • Opening window, carving out an office in living room … are all doable according to FengKai.
  • kitchen is expensive, typically 20-30k, according to JackHe.
  • bedrooms are cheaper than bathroom, according to GregR.

Total? 100k is a common figure, but Wallace said 10k is a common figure. Before deciding on a budget, (as Alona’s colleague Bob pointed out) it’s better to list specific items, then prioritize them like

  1. furnish the basement to rent it out if legitimate
  2. carve out an office
  3. modernize the kitchen

Tim Yao said cost is much lower than XR’s experience.

— rental property renovation

It’s probably smart to buy a relatively old rental property, and pay lower tax, then invest 50k-100k to improve it, then rent out.

George Abdelmalak <gabdelmalak1@gmail.com>, a nice agent, is familiar with renovation, and told me renovation cost is at least 50-60k. Background — I told him that I want to buy a reasonably OK rental property and make it more comfortable more appealing for my tenants.

George also said extension to create 1 or 2 extra rooms cost 50k.

Foreclosed: 84 W 3rd Bayonne #rental property

  • street cleanliness — safe and clean, tree-lined, close to park
  • 2FH with 6 beds, 2352 sqft
  • πŸ™‚ There is a 3rd floor with rooms as shown on google street view
  • πŸ™‚ built in 1930, relatively new
  • πŸ™‚ basement partially finished
  • selling by lender for 400k. You can offer a low price then negotiate with lender
  • Bank loan possible even for foreclosed.Β Process can take 40 days, not so bad
  • https://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/Bayonne-NJ/pmf,pf_pt/apartment_duplex_type/38877669_zpid/21685_rid/3-_beds/0-400000_price/0-1589_mp/globalrelevanceex_sort/40.824201,-74.044676,40.517061,-74.168273_rect/12_zm/
  • https://www.trulia.com/p/nj/bayonne/84-w-3rd-st-bayonne-nj-07002–1005526909

##top 3: investment-property (!! family home) wish-list

  1. small amount? so as to diversify and reduce negative impact
  2. reliable NRY considering vacancy, taxes+HOA, mortgage rate .. No need for white-hot rental demand
  3. low maintenance
  4. — secondary criteria
  5. close to where I live. Ideally, a good location that I don’t mind taking up myself
  6. relative price stability
    • appreciation? Hard to predict.
  7. stable currency

By far the best decision I made was … BridgeRetail. Remember at my age, cash-flow is more important than big profit.

In Bayonne, Small 2FH ~ 500k would be a reasonable choice.

  • Condo — nice small amount __but__ low NRY

sqf: most U.S.homes are oversize 4me

99% of U.S. houses and most 2-3 BR condos are oversize but fairly acceptable.

I saw a Tudor style brick house for sale $540k, close to 100 Hillside Ave. 1825 sqft for a couple with a baby. 3 bed rooms, each big enough for a queen bed. There’s a big dining room + living room…. Completely unnecessary for me.

The “extra” space requires

  1. bigger price tag
  2. extra renovation cost
  3. extra tax every month
  4. extra heating cost
  5. extra on-going maintenance cost and effort

Why not save the $200k (or whatever) and use it on

  • investments
  • enrichment programs,
  • more family reunions

my parents != rich #property..

My parents are not rich or wildly successful in the conventional sense (waterfront luxury, multiple properties, brank, …) but I always saw them as decent parents and role models.

Look at wife’s parents. I see them as decent parents too, even though they live in a village, without a car, not earning much throughout their career. By the convention standard, not really “successful”, but decent parents.

Barely middle-class parents, without top (academically) kids can be successful parents.

Parents with half my income and without top (academically) kids can be successful too.

My parents didn’t put me and my sister in top schools using 学区房. I plan to do the same but why in my generation we view it as stigma? I call it peer pressure, but Alok felt it’s pressure from within.

##evolution@family-home preferences ] U.S.

Initially, I wanted a

  • relatively well-maintained house
  • on a relatively clean street
  • in an acceptable school district
  • within an hour of commute
  • below $600k

πŸ™ It turned out the tax + mtg + maintenance exceeded my estimate, so 600k is possibly too heavy.

πŸ™ It turned out most of my peers go for top school districts, so I had to think very hard and accepted average school districts.

πŸ™‚ It turned out Bayonne psf price is about half of other areas considered

πŸ™‚ It turned out apartments are smaller, often better condition and more affordable than houses, but lower rental yield.

πŸ™‚ It turned out renting is an easy way to get into some good schools, and long-term renting is fairly popular even among the middle class