don’t sell a shop2finance U.S.home purchase

Aim: I aim to sink in 200-300k for a 500k home.

Over 3 years (12M after family comes over) I hope to save $200k surplus, after paying off the Asia properties.

Suppose I need an additional 100k for down payment. First I will sell my unit trusts. Then I will consider selling one of the shops.

Suppose I could sell for 150k and give up a cash flow ~ 4% of this $150k amount. Is it better to pay down mortgage by this amount to reduce my monthly commitment? The annual cashflow generated is around 6k (will increase in Year 6-10), comparable to the mortgage interest on this $150k amount.

I feel the subsequent 8% guaranteed rental + high (higher than residential) potential for capital appreciation could be discounted by some buyers and won’t be factored into the price. To most buyers, any promised gains are heavily discounted, even ignored, compare to an immediate gain (like rebates, vouchers, free gifts).

In such a market, I prefer to hold 7+ years.