## AUM: custody,misuse,,

AssetUnderManagement usually refers to fund management (mutual funds, hedge funds), but in this blog, it also means “fund under custody”

Q1: how much risk (including liquidity risk) is accepted by the depositor?

— eg: AUM by FTX .. depositors’ fund should stay in some custodian account, but FTX transferred part of it to some affiliate company.
A1: zero risk. Depositors don’t want and don’t agree to take on any risk. They want to have real time access to their funds, with no question asked.

— eg: AUM by land lord = rent deposits .. landlord ought to keep tenant’s security deposit in a custodian account. Owner of the fund is the tenant not the landlord.
A1: liquidity constraints. Depositor (tenant) can only demand their money after they move out.

— eg: AUM by CPF = members’ money.. CPFB should not invest members’ money in risky schemes. CPFB invests it with  GIC rather than keeping it in some custodian account.
A1: severe liquidity restrictions. CPF members can only withdraw for specific purposes or at some specific age. A.k.a compulsory saving.

Many pension funds are similar.

— eg: AUM by retail bank = your deposits .. your deposit amount=bank’s risk capital #ownership
A1: zero risk for savings accounts, and some small liquidity risk for time-deposits. If a bank uses depositor’s money recklessly, depositors would queue up to withdraw, causing a run on the bank.

— eg: AUM by husband = wife’s money under my care. She wants to feel confident and reassured that her money is not invested in anything illiquid.
A1: my wife may feel she is taking on too much liquidity risk when she lets me manage her money. She often wants more liquidity.

Oanda, brief notes

Could be hard to bring money in/out, so let’s transfer USD $2000 for now.

–Use 10:1. Buy-and-hold audjpy with avg spread of 2 pips.

Quantum – $100.

Set take profit to 5% without SL.

–Use 10:1 buy-and-hold gold with avg spread of 30 (price is about 128,640 pips).
Quantum – 1 ounce, worth about USD $1286