def[xjl crunch] #2007,2013

This bpost is not insightful. It merely defines a homegrown jargon term. In this blog, xjlCrunch (现金流 Crunch) is any period of heightened cashflow pressure. Pressure is just “higher than normal” or “higher than previous period”. There’s no precise definition actually, but in my experience such pressure was always sustained, tangible/verifiable, clearly explainable, easy to relate to.

( Note the common usage of CashCrunch is slightly different. Some dictionary says CashCrunch is “when someone does not have enough money to operate successfully or in the normal way.” )

— eg: 2007 initial U.S. years .. my various bposts described the (almost extreme) austerity measures we had to take.

— eg: 2013-2016 UChicago phase… 2k/M average outlay. Pressure clearly felt.
eg: Mindchamps years.. $1k/M average outlay.
eg (future): when my kids go to college

— eg: 2013-2014 mortgage years .. 2.5k/M was a memorable “xjl pressure”. I tightened our belt in order to pay down the loan balance several times, 5k each time.

— eg (future): initial retirement phase .. some retirees may realize their cashflow is tighter than anticipated and needs /adjustment/.


  • LP1 tab > locate S27 > double-click to open the order entry form
  • 2156906/ldn (8char). Acct number also in Sunguard 🙂
  • 68-121-565 is good — no verification questions asked
  • fund-in .. FAST and UEN both tested. Need to indicate 2156906 in remarks. Need to log in again to see it reflected, within minutes.
  • fund-out .. after 10am cut-off, then next-day delivery. Pending fund-out .. below the withdrawal form
  • fund in/out history .. ThisMonthTransactions
  • 👍 j4 Poems: custody for my mufu with $0 trailer
  • 👍: local support by phone and email (fast)
  • ##choosing a broker firm #POEMS

Poems is kinda more secure than banks as withdrawal recipient account name must be my name. 2FA is offered but I opted out. See [Feb 8, 2024, 11:49 AM] email.

— mufu redemption workflow on GUI

  1. as soon as you place order it goes into orderStatus, where you can cancel
  2. After the price is confirmed, your amount shows in AcctMgmt->UnitTrust->outstandingPayment
  3. After payment received, the amount shows in AcctMgmt->UnitTrust->transactionHistory
  4. .. to see cash balance history, you need to go to AcctMgmt->Stocks>thisMonthTransactions

==== total costs, using POEMS

  • FX conversion cost .. see Announcements -> currency conversion -> indicative bid/ask rates. Each day there’s a new “announcement”
  • all in fees (excl GST or SGD 35c fee): 0.12%
  • .. brokerage .. shows 0.08% with no minimum 
  • .. other fees .. 0.04% with no minimum
  • CDP charges another SGD 0.37 fee to SRS. I confirmed with CDP.
  • S27 expRatio: close to 0.1%

For my first share, I bought at USD 419.11, but total USD cost was 419.93122, converted to SGD 573.92 (see acctMgmt->eStmt).  SRS shows $574.29 deducted, due to $0.37/trade settlement fee by CDP

— 12May share — I bought at USD 391.01. USD 391.78, converted at 1.3994 to SGD 548.25. DBS charged SGD .37 so DBS tx history shows $548.62

  • USD 0.77 total fees charged at Phillips (391.78 – 391.01)
  • .. 0.12% amount to USD 0.47.
  • .. GST and 35c add up to USD 0.30
  • SGD 0.37 total fees charged at DBS

— S27 behaves like a futures. If there’s a big news during SGX trading hours, S27 would react to it before the underlying 500 stocks (or the SPY ETF) could react.

Q: how do I know my average purchase price and quantity of S27?
A: Use SRS section of DBS online blotter or monthly statement

SPY enjoys much better liquidity than S27.

Dividend received in USD, credited to SRS, with 30% withholding tax.

Price history

See also

limit orders close to the market can get filled very soon at my limit price ! I think “SellDown” means a market-Sell hit my limit-Buy.

— Poems also shows mufu positions. Use AcctMgmt -> ScripPositions

Table is too wide, so I prefer to resize down browser window

Posted in zoo

SGP credit report can give a free report.

sugg: Better terminate citi credit card to clean up the report. But reapplying would take time.

When you apply for a loan, if you show income without credit card, you will appear risky as a borrower. Lender would hesitate to lend to you since there’s no track record. It’s better to get a credit card, use it a few times, then apply for loans.

The number that affects your max loan amount is the column-wise total of “unsecured” column of the AggregateMonthlyInstalment table. In my case, I happened to have $50 minimum payment for HSBC card. This $50 went into my total.

Posted in zoo

##[24]price figures]Beijing

Way above 50% of Sgp level, not worthwhile as retirement destination.

  • barber Y45
  • claypot meal outside my home Y20
  • underpants x2 Y29
  • taxi starting fare Y13
  • Android (bare) phones in ChnM outlet .. lowest Y1500
  • hotel Y400+/night
  • wrist watch batt Y29

— needles and threads .. many Singapore provisions shops sell (sub)$2 packs made-in-China, but in Beijing I only found sub-R20 packs. I think the Chinese factories only make these cheaper products for SE.Asia or Africa or Latam, rather than China market.

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