- ๐ tgt price $21, based on only two ratings https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/TFSL/research-ratings
- ๐ 5% CDY… Div increased through 2020. In fact no cut since 2008, according to some site, but https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/TFSL/tfs-financial/dividend-yield-history looks different.
- $6B mid-cap
- https://www.investopedia.com/best-dividend-stocks-4774650
- https://www.thirdfederal.com/our-advantage/history-values .. retail mortgage lender since 1938.
Tag: t_0pos
total cost below $10
- ๐ analyst positive. Tgt $52
- ๐ no dividend ..ย need babysitting
- $1.5B small cap
— plug power .. is much bigger in mkt cap
OKE 7% midstream
- analysts neutral; tgt $54 https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/OKE/research-ratings
- 7% CDY. div increased through 2020. https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/xnys/oke/dividends
- https://money.usnews.com/investing/dividends/slideshows/high-paying-dividend-stocks-in-the-s-p-500?slide=8 says this business is more stable than other energy stocks
- 20B midstream stock
RBLX 0% #to $8..10
Not worth a lot of due diligence
- ๐ no div
- ๐ boy sees potential in this stock
BEN 4% #financial aristocrat Analyst:(
- ๐ analyst negative
- ๐ one of the aristocrats
- ๐ div increased through 2020. CDY 4% .. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/ben/dividend-history
- .. Kiplinger says 38Y of div growth
- $13B long established
IEMG: emerging mkt ETF
- hopefully can replace some FSM funds
- 2500 names !
- ๐ the more geographically diversified, the less useful to me.
NWBI 5% small bank
- CDY 5%+
- ๐ 25Y streak (almost no-drop) .. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/NWBI/northwest-bancshares/dividend-yield-history
- 25Y price chart (above) shows growth.
- ๐ low quantum
- analysts neutral .. tgt $14 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=nwbi
- $2B- small cap, long history as a regional bank, not a growth stock
SJI 5% #util
- ๐ CDY 5%
- ๐ 33 Y streak .. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/SJI/south-jersey-industries/dividend-yield-history
- 30Y trend good, but 5Y decline
- analysts neutral. tgt $25 https://www.tipranks.com/stocks/sji/forecast
- $3B mid-cap
AMGN 3%+ DJ30 pharma
- CDY 3%+ย https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/AMGN/amgen/dividend-yield-history
- ๐ 130B DJ30 blue chip
ORC 20%NAV erosion #+1 share
Consider on more share to improve my average cost. Maybe sell later.
- ๐ 10Y decline. I bought at $7.07. Looks like it’s paying dividend from NAV erosion.
- ๐ CDY 20% .. Monthly! didn’t drop in 2020 https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/ORC/orchid-island-capital/dividend-yield-history
- .. ๐ I received monthly
- ๐ analyst no-sell $5 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=orc
- ๐ small quantum
- small-cap
Orchid Island Capital, Inc. is a REIT operating in the mortgage industry. Mortgage REITsย differ from most other REITs.
For example, traditional REITs typically own a portfolio of physical real estate, which theyย lease to tenants to collect rental income. Mortgage REITs are purely financial entities, andย Orchid Island does not ownย any physical properties.
Instead, it is an externally managed REITย (by Bimini Advisors LLC)ย that invests in residentialย mortgageโbacked securities (RMBS), either passโthrough or structured agency RMBSs, which are financial instrumentsย that collect cash flow based on residential loans such as mortgages, including subprime, and homeโequity loans.