— T_theft .. scam, fraud in addition to “hacked”
- .. also used in open blog
— kidnapScam .. I find this tag name striking, memorable albeit imprecise
- show-off
- high profile
- attracting unwanted attention like hostility or kidnap, or targeted scam
— T_theft .. scam, fraud in addition to “hacked”
— kidnapScam .. I find this tag name striking, memorable albeit imprecise
See also
— advantage: fineprints are well-documented
CPF Life product feature is probably more stable, and better understood. Fewer hidden surprises.
Same (no such thing in private annuities) policy for everyone. Easy to find answers online.
As a auth UI, Singapass shares this advantage.
CPF Life is designed for the less educated. The CPF board is not out to take advantage of its own citizens.
policy fineprints stay the same for decades. (Some private annuities evolve with market, or go out of market.) As a result, I invested dozens of hours to document CPF fineprints in 30+ bposts.
— advantage: hotline + service centers .. CPF customer service is excellent — onsite, prompt help, similar to a local police or WalMart. The information provides is simpler to understand.
As a auth UI, Singapass shares this advantage.
— advantage: expRatio
CPF is not run for profit. If the commercial insurer charges 3% fee a year or has average 5% surplus return from investment, or pays the salesman a commission, then with CPF Life, these sums would go back into the pool, enhancing the payouts.
Compare a bookstore run by a church vs a commercial bookstore.
— advantage: non-profit .. The insurer is CPF board which I trust more.
If the economy takes a down turn for CPF members, and the CPF Life becomes insufficient as a retirement plan, then I trust CPF would consider adjustments (bending over backward) to help the members. Retirement is the #1 objective of CPF board of a nanny state. In contrast, Allianz is a commercial operator and not a nanny state.
— advantage: (standard plan) stable payout .. monthly payout amount stays constant in the Standard plan, provided cpf int rate and mortality rate stay constant. I heard this promise in a Feb 2025 hotline conversation, and I trust this “promise”.
In constrast my private annuities have weaker “promises” on payout rate.
The rest are questionable “advantages”, but often cited as advantages
— higher payout_rate .. becuase
— liquidity (double-edged) .. private annuities have surrender value, an exposure to scams and adult children’s (unwanted) plea for help
As discusssed in lock up100k]cpf, if you don’t need some 100k idle cash for the rest of your life, then why not lock it away in cpfRA permanently to prevent those issues?
how many percent of Singaporeans have an exp recon system with “1-decimal-precision” i.e. 0.1k i.e. $100
This is a precise question. I would guess below 5%.
See also
This is a scorecard for my family financial health. A real scorecard always references some benchmark. The benchmark is usually drawn from the local [1] population. A broad-based benchmark enables us to define social strata like “lower middle-class”. It would be invalid methodology to use a biased sample excluding the rich or the huge base of the pyramid.
My informal scorecard below is unscientific and biased, as it relies on a small sample of peers + casual observations of the local community. I don’t even know my peers’ actual incomes or expenses. Based on my subjective and vague benchmark, I think my family is/has ..
Q: which items are neglected so far or deserve more sunshine?
A: maybe those marked with a *… Rather few.
— Defense, weather-proof … is the biggest theme in this scorecard, and presumably my cohort’s scorecard, too.
Singapore government provides more comprehensive protection than U.S. government.
Health is harder to accumulate or protect than wealth is. See reliable Shields@@ (burnRate^wellness) habits #w1r2 and other blogposts about “batteries”.
— [1] I have spent many years in U.S. and Singapore. Cost differences between countries are underestimated, and sometimes invisible until your entire family live in each location for a few years. See
I find this 2013 description on [[Personal Money]] rather detailed and realistic, offering multiple revelations and lessons for me. The subject is Mr Lim who wrote in to the columnist Gina Wong , to have his financial health [goals, projections, gaps] assessed in her column [[Money Makeover]].
Q: which portions of his snapshots are oversized/undersized?
* rEstate (conspicuously missing) : undersized
* 401k (conspicuously missing) : undersized
* debt: oversized.. should be close to zero at 41
* nest egg: oversized
* target NNIA by 55: ambitiously oversized
Q: is he on cash flow high ground or low ground? The author says high, notwithstanding insufficient insurance
Q: Brbr? 230k/96k = 2.4 very good
Q: is he a big saver, big spender?
A: author is 100% sure Lim is a “frugal family man” who , 5 years ago, started living “below his means”.
A: At the end of the review, author recommended Lim “upgrade family lifestyle” … relevant to me
%%A: not a big spender, but neither a big saver. I assume Malaysia cost is lower than Singapore, so MYR 8k/M family burn rate is too high
Q: how is his Earn/Save/Invest capabilities? Remember Lim is serious about retiring at 55.
%%A: aggressive investor
Q: Fuller wealth?
%%A: can be better. Lim’s current burn rate (8k/M) and Crbr (5k/M) are rather high
No oth please.. I feel proud of my independent thinking and progress. I feel these items are remarkable and visible signs of progress. New and better ideas for the next 1~30Y.
I guess many of my U.S. and Singapore peers don’t have such a /progressive/, continuously refined financial plan.
Even though some of them (YW.Chen, Shuo, Ash.S,…) have multiple properties; some (Venkat?) more successful with U.S. equities, I feel most of them follow the bandwagon with fewer bold departures.
Above are progresses made since mid 2018. Below are Earlier progresses, roughly ranked by importance :
See also at what age I started feeling closer 2 cashflow freedom@@
Q: how many percent of my full-time or part-time working life will be ffree?
A: hopefully 70%, from age 43 to 75 (32 years) + 3 years during my bachelor years. So 35Y out of 50Y
Until recently, My answer was “below 10%”. It was hard to imagine financial freedom i.e. “不想做工就不做“ as Liangzhong put it.
Q: how many percent for my peers?
A: below 10%, perhaps the final years before retirement. I think many don’t even look forward to retirement, even if it is ffree. In contrast, I enjoy my ffree because I don’t need to spend so much. I enjoy high BR buffer ratio and being in-control.
— Q: why do most of my peers spend bulk of their working life toiling under livelihood pressure, and reach (some form of) ffree so late?
Overall, cpf is a safer system than banks, because “immediate/frequent withdrawal unneeded”.
A 2025 cpf roadshow staff told me that so far the only scams occured via online withdrawal (after member reached 55). In-person theft is unheard of.
If you are between 55 and 65 and you don’t need some 100k for the rest of your life, why not lock it away in cpfRA forever? No one can withdraw. See lock up100k]cpf if no liquidity need
— protection: withdrawal lock .. If you are a CPF member aged 55+ and have no immediate plans to withdraw your CPF savings, you are encouraged to safeguard your CPF savings by activating the CPF Withdrawal Lock (MoneyLock) to disable online CPF withdrawals. You can do so via the CPF account settings after logging on to the CPF website using your Singpass.
When you need to withdraw your CPF, you can enable online withdrawals again via the CPF account settings. For your security, this will be subject to Singpass Face Verification and a 12-hour cooling period. Members who do not wish to enable online withdrawals again can withdraw in-person at CPF Service Centres.
— protection: daily withdrawal limit .. CPF Board has also introduced a default Daily Withdrawal Limit of $2,000 for all members aged 55 or older, as part of a suite of anti-scam measures.
Members can adjust this limit via the CPF account settings. All limit increases are subject to Singpass Face Verification and a 12-hour cooling period.
See also big discretionary spends
Background, by definition, my “peers” all have kids, and working in (financial) IT, often with 2 incomes.
Q: why am I feeling financially free but not the U.S. peers despite their higher income
A: My advantages are 1) burn rate 2) nonwork income
A: For their USD 90k burn rate supported by employee health benefit, at 4% reliable return, they need 2.25M invested.
A: For my SGD 36k burn rate supported by medishield, at 6% rental yield, I only need SGD 600k invested
— After the analysis, now a more casual look at peer’s burn rate:
I discussed with grandpa about a huge difference between me and my colleagues’ burn rates.
This difference is rooted in their long-term optimism about their earning growth and stock market returns.
(In contrast, my self-confidence about my salary sustainability is based on IV.)
One thing easy and really useful to do with money matters is break-down analysis.
I can see my younger (and some in 40’s) colleagues spending more than I do on food, rent, mortgage, car, vacations, entertainment, gadgets, kids’ enrichment ..
These are often big-ticket items or creature-comfort spending, and clearly luxury IMO
Many believe food is never a big ticket item, but I think they spend $40/D i.e. $15k/Y vs my 4k/Y.
Q: sometimes I feel I can’t (allow myself to) cut further down below my peers because my family could then feel deprived, but can I?
A: I think I some capacity to ignore the peer pressure and maintain my superior brbr.
— In Sep 2020, I discussed “livelihood pressure” with DeepakCM. I described a fictitious family earning 250k [1] combined. Deepak said after-tax 150k/Y or 12.5k/M.
If they spend 10k/M then Brbr is stressful not comfortable. I feel comfortable brbr is 2.0+ but I guess the typical family is unlikely to save half the income.
Deepak pointed out that immigrants leave their home countries behind, and come to U.S. in search for a better life, so these high-income families would spend to enjoy. Lifestyle creep — a stark contrast to my financial discipline.
Q: If these immigrants are able to “accept/cope with” a simpler life but choose to enjoy a better, more /comfortable/ (actually lavish) life, then why do they complain about livelihood pressure like depicted in 中年男士40-50压力最高@@?
A: It depends on the acceptance — like my carefree acceptance vs reluctant, grudging acceptance. I think exclub and FOMO are fundamental /drivers/ in these high-earning immigrants. They are driven to spend, and driven to endure livelihood pressure. Some are unable to say NoThanks, as I described to my sis.
Q: Are they on cashflow high ground, with their high income?
A: No necessarily.
Q[1]: 250k … what if combined income is 300k? I think by most wealth-management standards that income would put the family in a different league . Indeed, some of my U.S. (I didn’t write “SG”) friends, my ex-classmates, and possibly my sister are in the “wealthy” exclub and not comparable to the rest of us. Their livelihood pressure, their Brbr, their assets are not comparable to mine.