- Analyst mixed-positive. May 2022 tgt $12 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=eric
- 🙂 familiar name
Tag: t_30%tgt
30% below analysts’ target
250> IIPR 4% #add $50..100
- CDY 2% … or 4%?
- analysts positive. tgt $250 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=iipr
- existing position: $128 invested, now worth $84
- $6B mid-cap
56>GM:US div dry`up
- 🙁 no div so far, after early 2020
- .. 🙁 babysitting needed. A saving grace — established business, even though not as good as PG or MSFT.
- analyst positive. tgt 75 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=gm
- 🙂 bought at $34.6
15>ET:US #
- See brief comparison with other mid-stream high-div stocks: https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/am/dividend/
- 🙂 CDY 15% now 6%
- 🙂 div maintained through 2020 — https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/et/dividend-history
- .. slight drop recently
- 🙂 analyst rating high. Tgt $15 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=ET
- 🙂 price tag $7 .. quicker due diligence with smaller experiments
- 🙂 bought $6.56
- 🙂 3M price trend not as low as other stocks
- fairly established with market cap 20B
140> SE:US 0% 0profit #upto $40
See the blogpost on MSFT
… are two 2021 articles on Sea Limited. I think this is a typical hot tech stock.
- appearance of diversified, but many failed companies were diversified too.
- appearance of deep cash pile, but not deep when valued using the price2bookValue model
Surely there are many promising signs, but thousands of businesses have positive signs, and most of them don’t make enough money to justify the valuation. I want to remain cool-headed and skeptical about its losses though they are improving.
- CDY 0%
- analyst 96% buy. May 2022 $140 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=SE
[22]$120>TSM 2%-
- CDY about 2% https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/TSM/taiwan-semiconductor-manufacturing/dividend-yield-history
- 🙂 named as a resilient stock in https://www.drwealth.com/us-market-crashed-8-resilient-stocks-we-are-happy-to-buy-now/
- 🙂 analyst positive.. tgt $120 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=TSM
- invested $167 at $88.
$71>SHEL 4% #
- 🙂 CDY 4% https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/SHEL/shell/dividend-yield-history
- 🙂 analyst no sell. Sep tgt $71 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=shel
- 🙂 invested $32 at $32
- $200B mega cap
[22]Sony 0.5% #sell
- [2022] Let’s sell after rating becomes mixed
- 🙁 CDY 0.5%
- .. need babysitting
- long term trend pretty strong after the 2000 peak.
- big quantum. Fractional supported 🙂
- 🙂 Analyst positive. Tgt was $142 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=SONY