O:US monthly dividend trec #G3-REIT

“Realty Income, The Monthly Dividend Company®, is an S&P 500 company dedicated to providing shareholders with dependable monthly income.” — the company slogan

“Realty Income has been paying dependable monthly dividends throughout its 51-year operating history.”

https://www.realtyincome.com/about-realty-income/monthly-dividend-commitment/default.aspx has more details. Looks quite transparent and honest.

https://investmentu.com/realty-income-o-dividend-safety/ is a Oct 2020 analyst review of covid19, positive but not completely biased.

https://www.fool.com/millionacres/real-estate-investing/articles/is-realty-income-a-buy-nov-2020/ is another analyst review during covid19, positive but not completely biased.

  • Out of 119 REITs rated by SafetyNet Pro, only 19 receive the highest rating for dividend safety. Realty Income is one of them.
  • “a favorite among dividend and REIT investors”
  • “generally considered a rock-solid REIT with a long track record of delivering predictably strong profits and growing dividends”
  • “these (tenants’) businesses are not easily disrupted by e-commerce competitors and also are quite recession-resistant”
  • “has increased its dividend for the past 92 quarters in a row”
  • looks like a dividend cash cow, but somehow not mentioned in previous articles about “top 9 dividend stocks”

— Q: dollar allocation?
A: 200 – 5000
— Watch out for infatuation signs
— why rated A without name recognition?

  • SP500 status
  • 50+ years trec, through booms and busts
  • div increment trec
  • dividend safety widely scrutinized for years

Capitaland 3%

  • was available as CLLDY on OTC, automatically liquidated on 15Oct2021.
  • 🙂 dividend maintained through 2020 but no-cut for 10Y https://www.drwealth.com/high-dividend-stocks-singapore/
  • Low CDY 3% .. https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/CLLDY/dividends/history

— transaction history and end-to-end PnL

  1. -9.41-4.73-4.76-4.71-4.75-4.9 @11 Feb 2011 – 7 shares
  2. -9.32-4.65-9.32-4.74-4.55 @12 Feb 2021 – 7 shares
  3. -4.69-9.28 @16 Feb 2021 – 3 share
  4. -5.57-5.63-5.51-5.54 @6 Apr 2021 – 4 shares
  5. -5.5 @7 Apr 2021 buy 1 share
  6. -9.41-4.73-4.76-4.71-4.75-4.9 -9.32-4.65-9.32-4.74-4.55 -4.69-9.28 -5.57-5.63-5.51-5.54 -5.5 ==== -$107.56 total cost, or $4.89 average cost
  7. +2.61 @ 28 May 2021 net dividend
  8. +138.09 @ 15 Oct 2021 full liquidation $6.28 x 22 shares
  9. ^^^ USD 33.14 net profit

T:US; VZ 4%; Energy12

— T:US

Scenario — Suppose I progressively invest 6k. Dividend is currently $360/Y. Downturn … my 6k becomes 3k :(… I will hold and keep earning dividend, perhaps a paltry $120/Y… tolerable.

How to add up div received

  • copy from rbh div page and paste to tmp.txt
  • grep ‘+’ tmp.txt and copy paste into excel

— Hows does VZ compare?

  • 🙂 higher reputation, similar market cap
  • A hedge against missteps by T:US. Intra-sector diversification is generally good. I would do the same in tobacco, oil, utility sectors.

— as compared to Energy12

  • 🙂 liquidity. Flexibility of selling to meet my cash crunch
  • 🙂 quantum flexibility
  • 🙂 full transparency, without legality concerns
  • 🙁 dividend amount is not contractually guaranteed as in Energy12
  • 🙁 no bargain
  • 🙁 lower probability of windfall appreciation
  • 🙁 higher probability of depreciation like falling from $30 gradually to $2


VTI: buyEntireUsaMkt

  • 🙂 0.03% expRatio about 1/3 of SPY’s
  • https://investor.vanguard.com/etf/profile/vti
  • big quantum. need fractional
  • 1.34% CDY, comparable to SPY
  • 3640 stocks. VTI holds no Amex and OTC* stocks.
  • tech sector is 27% of the target index. top 10 holdings are mostly tech stocks
  • About 90% of VTI is concentrated in the SP500. The remaining allocation is mid/small caps. Therefore more growth, more volatility than SPY

To my surprise, VTI can outperforms SPY slightly

SeekingAlpha says compared to SPY, VTI is more suited to buy-n-hold long-term investors

PBCT: steady-div regional bank #PUB

  • up to $100
  • analysts? neutral no Sell.
  • 🙂 the only bank on the exclusive Dividends Aristocrats list, having increased its regular dividend every year for the past 26 years. While many of its regional peers and essentially all of the biggest banks have been forced to reduce their payouts in prior economic downturns, People’s United was able to ride out the bad times and still raise its dividend. See https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/market-sectors/financials/bank-stocks/do-bank-stocks-pay-dividends/
  • 🙂 div increased through 2020 .. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/pbct/dividend-history
  • 🙂 small unit price. Easier to experiment
  • 🙂 known brand. $6B mkt cap


https://www.streetinsider.com/dividend_history.php?q=xom shows stable dividend payout for decades.

Someone said XOM has increased its payout for more than 30 consecutive years.

https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/11/11/how-safe-is-exxonmobil-and-its-dividend/ is about XOM dividend safety during pandemic. XOM seems to be resilient, earning my “A” rating as a div stock

— other big oil stocks? See https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/010715/worlds-top-10-oil-companies.asp