divChamp^divKing ^(Euro) divAristocrat

Good idea to check periodically for new names to buy.

Note divChamp and divKing include smaller stocks, possibly past thepeak. Given the dividend trec, they are not so unproven.

— divChamp .. https://dividendvaluebuilder.com/dividend-champions-list/ .. 140 stocks

— divKing .. mentioned in https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/18168/mo-8-cdy-blue-chip/

— The European aristocrats have a different criteria

— SP500 aristocrats
https://www.buyupside.com/dividendaristocrats/dividendaristocratsyieldssorted.php is ranking by 2013 CDY

https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/types-of-stocks/dividend-stocks/dividend-aristocrats/ is ranking by years. Also explains the criteria.

https://www.kiplinger.com/investing/stocks/dividend-stocks/602237/65-best-dividend-stocks-you-can-count-on-in-2021 describes each of the 65 stocks

The Dividend Aristocrats list is updated at several frequencies by S&P Dow Jones Indices:


## fraction@big-quantum stocks: drawbacks

When I buy IBM, CVX or OMC, I use small fractional orders of 0.1 share each, and build up my position. It felt fairly convenient, at least for liquid names, but really? Let’s list the drawbacks of this approach

— drawback: defeats fire-n-forget .. Relying on limit orders (not these fractional market orders), I have a new habit of building my order book to buy at multiple price levels. This way, I can set up a series of entry-points and go to sleep.

As such, it’s a form of fire-n-forget. Without this, I’m forced to watch the market (not really for liquidation purpose) to acquire the stock.

— drawback: slow fill .. Fractional orders may take a while to execute, perhaps due to technical issues including liquidity. I think the order is not sent to exchange, but sent to some special liquidity pool.

I experienced this “slow execution” with Asia time-zone stocks like WNS and many pink sheet illiquid stocks.

[25]cpfRA top-up till 65

Every year, you can top up cpfRA_bookVal to the ERS watermark. All cpfRA accrued interest goes to your cpfRA not the pool, but excluded from cpfRA_bookVal.

After startOfPayout (age 65 to 70), under the Standard plan, your interest accrual would be redirected into the pool. (cpfRA emptied.)

— compare to cpfSA .. in Feb 2025, CPF hotline told me this bookVal rule is different from cpfSA top-up, where the engire cpfSA balance is compared to the FRS watermark. I think this is the rationale:

PAP government encourage citizens to top up cpfRA and cpfSA but there has to be a per-capita quota for top-up, not unlimited top-up. Government provides more encouragement to cpfRA than cpfSA top-up.