
I think some windfall-focused property investors are hoping to build a legacy for their kids.

Legacy is valuable to some extent but is a low priority to me. It’s good to understand these kind of individual differences, so I can get a better picture of my own priorities.

Over the long horizon, Property markets and my offspring’s priorities are too hard to predict.

income-oriented eq-funds: %%take

I feel most of the big fund houses probably avoid the high-yield, high-risk stocks such as U.S. REITs.

I guess for them, 4% div is considered high. I assume the fund dividend payout comes strictly from stock dividend, not position liquidation. Therefore, a typical “high-income” equity fund can only pay 5% average. In reality it could swing between 3% and 7%

economically depressed pockets@poverty

I am now slowly influenced by Chinese fellow parents, and have developed a biased perception of the correlation between poverty and a host of other issues like school performance, street safety, street cleanliness, kids’ behavior among my son’s friends.

If I can’t find a safe, conducive environment for my son, then we must move home.

Therefore, I appreciate the flexibility of renting.

“move”rEstate portfolio to SG] %%twilight years

I have always agreed to the prudent advice that as we age, our risk appetite drops and we should rationalize/adjust our rEstate portfolio to less risky countries. Every country has risk factors, but SG remains the least risky.

— geo-concentration risk .. minor concern as SG is my home country.
Q: if I were to invest 300-600k in a SgCP, which existing property would I sell to create a higher allocation to stocks like 200k? Net effect is worse concentration to rEstate, worse geo-concentration to SG, but it is probably prudent, esp. in my retirement.
A: perhaps BGC

I am already more geo-diversified than most peers. See %%riskTolerance: which countries feel OK