Sugg: rent]学区until we want2sacrifice CC+RD


Good school districts are affluent. I don’t want to bend over backward to compete there. Perhaps my peers could afford it years ago. Looking at the price level, I simply can’t afford.

Lucky rent is a real option in the U.S. system.

If my kids are suitable for these schools then I could consider buying a home there.

If my kids are not suitable (for whatever reason) then sacrificing CC, RD etc is a silly sacrifice.

P/E valuation

I now feel PE valuation is a useful guide to crash-proof investment. Some markets may crash (for political or other reasons) even after you buy at a reasonable PE valuation. Eventually, however, global investors will become greedy, and bid up the price. We need to look at some examples in recent history

• Russia?
• Brazil?
• Malaysia?

stay fully invested@@ .. if crash@@

If one of bonds/eq always outperforms bank account, then yes i should invest most of my savings. However, this is a big IF.

Should I invest 80% of my USD, leaving just enough (20k) for Oanda trading and conversion?

(SGD? need to leave enough in bank accounts.)

In a crash, I think bonds (HY? less confident) might perform reasonably well. Gold (not gold mining stocks) is another asset class that has a chance to stay resilient.