branded uni: best$value plan #Kyle

Kyle believes college prestige does matter to job seekers, not only because of campus recruitment. Based on his belief, he wants to find a best value for his future kids — a low-cost college with good prestige.

Q: what level of prestige?
A: he said top 50 or lower by U.S.News ranking, which is based on nothing but professor research.

This prestige is not related to quality of education. I then told Kyle about Grace Dong’s experience at PACE. Peer influence from fellow students is a big part of quality of education. Obviously top colleges have more motivated, brighter students.

He stressed repeatedly that he didn’t want to send his kids to Ivy league. I think this is similar to my habit to avoid branded clothing. However, I would still send my kids to a branded college if I can afford it, because it’s no worse than an unbranded college.

Lateral thinking —

  • internship — is important for my son
  • Geographical location of the college is possibly more important than prestige. Some 2nd-tier colleges in NYC get many campus recruitments from Wall St
  • Q: how about sending my kids to Singapore universities?


  • Actually, not every product made in Germany is better than those made in other countries. Conversely, products made in other countries can be better.
  • There are good and bad manufacturers (“schools/classes”) in that country. Some are second-class.
    • In a top school districts, some schools are just average
    • In a top school, some students are not happy, engaged, motivated or growing.
  • Not everything in your life need to be top quality or made in Germany. Remember all “top” schools are rated top based on nothing but academic benchmark. If a child is not academically inclined, then the academic emphasis, academic workload, academic standard in an academic school may not be suitable for her.
  • /Discerning/ consumers don’t go by where-made. We are capable of more independent judgment and research.

silly to care so much about SDXQ rating like 8/10

What’s the difference between a 7/10 vs 8/10 school? The rating is given by some rating agency, based on nothing but test scores. See my post on “methodology”

The state-level ranking is equally unreliable.

A 8/10 school here will pale against an average Singapore school in terms of standardized benchmark. So why treat it like Princeton?

A typical Singapore school may be rated 9/10 on many aspects not only academics.