Q: in my old age [like grandma], would pff complexity become more challenging?
Q: will some mild complexity like [r] or [b] slow down brain aging?
I guess that after some practice, some micro-decisions can transition from sys2 to sys1.
If you feel too old or too busy, and don’t want these pff complexities, then you pay for advice from banks or financial advisors.
Rarely you get free advisory service (remember FSM and Phillip), unless during the sale process.
— pessimism without evidence?
Many old people in their 80s and 90s have a sound mind, good enough for pff decisions.
— Difference between RRrecreational complexity and BBburdensome complexity .. A vague concept
[b|B=mild or heavy burden, including due diligence ]
Fluid intelligence is more required in [B].
— [r] CIMB PF loan servicing .. monthly is less forgettable than annual
— [b] Giro failure prevention
— [r] asset: optimizing bonus interest from various banks + cashback from various ccards [BOC, FnF,,,] … zero risk, recreational juggling
[b] FBF and late fees … trivial burdensome complexity
[b] remember the different usernames across Sgp banks
— [B] asset: insurance premium annual payment
We could convert to monthly payments like CIMB. Easier to remember
[b] fire insurance details .. information-overload. Luckily price is low.
[b] Insurance benefit/exclusion fine prints … information-overload. Customer support needed, beyond online support as in China mobileApps.
— [r] asset: SG tBill using SRS or cash. You know government guarantees reliable hotline and record-keeping.
[b] If you use CPF, then you may need to compare the cpf interest sacrificed. You also need to pay quarterly bank fee for cpfIA
— [r] asset: SRS invested in S27 or tBill
There is some pff complexity as explained in https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/16984/srs/, but I think it’s recreational complexity
S27 buying using SRS? I think we can slowly learn to treat it as RRecreational.
— [r] asset: FixD tracking/renewal .. I can see my parents managing it competently. Banks usually provide paper and electronic records to depositors.
Banks also provide branch and hotline support, much better than dotcom-style online-only support .
— [r] asset: picking stocks .. I think some retirees do that. Recreational
— [r] asset: ETF vs mufu .. I’m disillusioned with mufu, but consider the level of human service. ETF provides no customer support.
(at least in Singapore, banks earn a fee for selling mufu, therefore they provide a service to help customers buy and sell. Fund houses partner with many banks + insurers to market their mufu products and service their clients.
I think grandma was “experimenting” with mufu.
— asset: rental property … rental and tenant management. Busy landlords could engage an agent.
[r] I think some old landlord do it themselves. They like interacting with nice tenants. They often give long-term good tenants a steep discount, in return for lower complexity.
Minor repairs .. tenants + agent can hopefully take care.
— [b] U.S. tax filing .. Even though my 2023 income was $500+ and fully offset by deductions, I still had to go through all the filing questions and send my return…. otherwise I may face penalties.
— [B] Major repairs of home or property .. stressful complexity, but hopefully covered by rental income.
Like rental management, and unlike financial matters, we can outsource the back office legwork.
— [B] medical cost management … insurance claims; seeking subsidy
— [b|B] burn rate self-regulation .. For the average retiree, burn rate control is probably quite important. My $3k/M burn rate assumes a level of burn rate self-regulation but it could be demanding of fluid intelligence. If your fluid intelligence declines fast, then you might have a higher tendency to spend on the wrong things or make unwise purchase decisions. (Each buying decision is a small workload for sys2.) Look at grandparents.
I believe some retirees overspend, or worry about overspending.
[r] Micro-conserver mode can be fun rather than stressful. It could keep the aging mind active. It could give the older me a does of “control” — over myself, my life.
[r] exp recon … might be complex in some way, but very low risk. Can be an enjoyable recreation– Q: does some of the complexities help keep the mind active?