- 2 analysts only tgt $11 .. http://markets.money.cnn.com/research/quote/forecasts.asp?symb=enia
- $12B. not a household name, but the biggest Chilean stock by market cap.
- listed on NYSE since 1994
- One of the largest private electric power companies in Latin America
- div maintained through 2020, but not so stable. CDY 6% ..Β https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/ENIA/dividend/
- π small quantum
- price chart? 3M not recovered; 12M down.
Tag: t_divD
SLG 5% 11Y streak
- π analysts neutral .. https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=slg
- π 11Y div streak since 2011, also listed in widemoatresearch.com .. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/SLG/sl-green-realty/dividend-yield-history
- π monthly div
- https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/5-monthly-dividend-stocks-to-breeze-through-your-retirement-977931/
- $4B mid-cap
- π π SMFG/MUFG/MFG no growth stocks
— MUFG: to buy up to $100
- div increased through 2020, currently 3.5%
- π analyst no sell.. tgt $7Β https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=mufg
- $80B
— MFG: not pre-cleared, not ripe
- analyst: neutral
- π div maintained through 2020, currently 4% .. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/mfg/dividend-history
- π even lower unit price.
- $40B
CSUAY: coal η₯εθ½ζΊ
- largest state-owned coal-mining (also a power generator), probably unpopular with growth-focused investors like Kun.
- π div maintained through 2020 but unstable. CDY 12%.
- π small quantum
- price trend? 12M no trend
- π analysts positive . https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/CSUAY/research-ratings. Target price is for a shared listed in China.
- tiny existing position in the black
STAG: G9-REIT, monthly div
About 5% DYOC
The monthly dividend means a lot to me — longer track record of consistent dividend
analyst rating
MPW+NLY+AGNC: increase position
— MPW .. buy up to 4 more shares
- 12M up; 3M zigzag up
- π I bought low
- π div increased through 2020. CDY 5%. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/mpw/dividend-history
- $10B established medical Reit.
- π analyst positive.. tgt $24 end of Apr
- underwater
- π div maintained through 2020.. CDY 10%.. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/nly/dividend-history
- 11B established
- π analyst positive
- I bought higher… can buy cheaper now
- π recommended 3 times since 2019
- π analyst positive
- monthly div dropped through 2020. CDY 9%. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/agnc/dividend-history
- $9B mortgage (MBS) Reit
- divD
CFG 4% #Citizens bank #12M:(
- π price chart? 12M high… buy 1 or 2 shares
- π div increased through 2020. CDY 3.9% .. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/cfg/dividend-history
- π analyst positive
- 20B
SUN 10% #gas station #Analysts OK #2 shares
- See https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/12/28/scoop-up-10-highest-yielding-dividend-stocks-2020/
- 3B mid-cap
- π analyst OK
- π div maintainedΒ through 2020. https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/SUN/dividend/
- π div long-term? 5Y ok
- π CDY 10%
- π quantum OK
$71>SHEL 4% #
- π CDY 4% https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/SHEL/shell/dividend-yield-history
- π analyst no sell. Sep tgt $71Β https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=shel
- π invested $32 at $32
- $200B mega cap
KMI 7% midstream
- π 7% CDY.. div maintained through 2020. https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/xnys/kmi/dividends
- π 12M down
- analyst neutral but almost no-sell, when price was $15.6
- 30B established