7% LUKOY+OGZPY: Russia

diversification from U.S./European oil majors, but political risk .. should limit my exposure to $200.


  • πŸ™ $80 quantum but no fractional. If price not right, just stand aside
  • πŸ™‚ 12M not recovered
  • πŸ™‚ CDY 7%, maintained through 2020. https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/pinx/lukoy/dividends
  • 50B
  • analyst no sell

— Ogzpy

  • CDY 7%, maintained through 2020 .. https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/pinx/ogzpy/dividends
  • .. annual dividend
  • 12M price trend: not recovered, but 3M trend up
  • πŸ™‚ price tag $6 .. faster experiment
  • πŸ™‚ analyst rating: excellent
  • 70B mkt cap, well-known brand

Note Gazprom Neft is a subsidiary stock with even higher CDY

OMC: established ads agency as diversification

PBA(CAN): midstream

  • πŸ™ price trend? on the rise
  • one of the 30 biggest market caps of Cananda
  • πŸ™‚ div maintained through 2020 — https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/pba/dividend-history
  • .. Kiplinger says 9Y of div increases
  • πŸ™‚ went public in 1997 and has maintained uninterrupted payouts ever since
  • πŸ™‚ Analyst rating? no sell
  • higher CDY at 7%, but Canada tax withholding!

A-list dividend stocks #!! hot stocks

— (imprecise) qualifying criteria for A-list or η”²ηΊ§ dividend stock: — steady dividend trec
Price? a secondary concern if you mostly focus on current income. Nevertheless, the price trend need to be reassuring, providing long-term confidence of “capital preservation” .. very similar to the criteria I shared with Tanko in my 10 Jan 2021 mail.

If the dividend trec gives us confidence, then the annual profit and free cash flow should protect the stock price. That is in theory, in my theory. PriceΒ  in the real world is mostly supply^demand. I can only hope supply^demand catches up with the profit.

— avoid the mass market hot favorites
Similar to principles of value investing and my rEstate investing, I decide to deviate from the mass market norm and pick my own favorites.

My own picks are usually not among the market’s hot favorites like tech stocks. Hot favorites are usually overvalued.

— examples

  • sector: oil majors + oil/gas infrastructure
  • sector: utility
  • sector: tobacco
  • sector: venerable REIT
  • sector: foreign (not U.S.) banks, insurer
  • sector: telco
  • — names
  • T:US .. the first and defining example
  • O:US? A
  • XOM? A

— defining div*

  • divB: slightly lower than divA, often due to lower CDY. Usually big names OR with proven trec
    • Name recognition is same as divA, and higher than divD.
  • divD: the DDDDdefault level when we don’t have time to decide.
    • Can also be a known brand (incl. ADR) but low CDY.
  • divU: UUUnknown names with decent CDY, AND without any article showing its trec or financial strength. Note high CDY alone isn’t enough to lift a name out of this category