G22 investment milestones{97

These are mostly but not all Minestones. Towards the recent years, the more brief I write, the better .. beware oth

  • 1997 started at FSM. Endowment and Mutual funds like Unifund were considered safe products for beginners.
  • 1997 gambled big with family savings (50k+) and lost 11k. Started recording personal investment experiences for review.
  • 2005 big decision to buy #4-116 (at a lucky location), not for investment/appreciation but (wise) rent-saving
  • 2007-12 (U.S.) suspended all investments => Missed big recovery:( but invested USD 90k in Beijing
  • 2012-14 fxo + Oanda => realized I’m only comfortable with small scale, low frequency trading… dismal ROTI
  • 2012-16 experiments on FSM => disillusioned with EM funds, dividend funds.. Made money mostly in U.S. and single-country.
  • 2012-17 discussions/experiments with insurance. Conclusion — too slow too low. While many seem to use insurance or bonds as bases of a personal portfolio, I shun these products and use properties instead
  • 2013-14 decision to pay down OC mtg asap… same going forward.
  • 2013-14 MyShield
  • 2015 BGC
  • 2016 BridgeRetail
  • 2015-2017 Jill’s private equity
  • 2018 Energy 12 private equity. small but bold experiment
  • 2018 43R … decided to avoid buying 700k home
  • 2018 college funding — decided to avoid the ivy league price tag, largely based on UChicago experience
  • 2019 PeakRetail.. decisive
  • 2019 MyCarePlus

%% investment biases till Dec’16(avoid OT)

Disclaimer — I didn’t read all the news about yield curve and commodity prices.

I feel my SGD and USD cash flow is more constrained due to the 2 recent overseas properties. SGD esp. constrained if I go to the US. I can’t afford to have SGD 100k locked up in unit trusts.

US stocks seem to be too high.

Fed rates are going up, so perhaps I should avoid high yield. Any other asset class I may also take action to divest.