This is a master index page …
- U.S.学区房 ≈ SG condo —
- Reality shock: perhaps at my age and with our combined income we simply can’t afford 700k + pTax.
- Grandpa reassured me repeatedly that regular school is good enough for my kids. We aren’t an affluent family.
- A real alternative — rent in a good school district long term.
- alternative — private high school]low-cost area like Bayonne
- long commute — I’m unable to tolerate long commute (esp. bus), as my “peers” could. I feel weak, inflexible. I feel the pressure to “conform” and sacrifice.
- Those peers don’t have multiple properties in Asia!
- Those peers don’t have an alternative cheaper education system back home
- Actually …. not 100% of my peers bought a nice big home in a top school district —
- Deepak’s points —
- Deepak’s point #2 Some bought school district homes because it was easy, not because it was important to them —
- various costs of owning a $700k home
- we always have the option to go back to SG, at a certain cost.
- justification for not buying top school district as peers did