Genesis: Singapore’s past reserve is a multi-gen reserve … requires reliable stewardship
— well-off kids … I did some simple math with my wife.
- Assumption: grandparents don’t spend too much of their current NAV on nursing homes or medical.
.. Based on this assumption, after they pass away, most of their NAV would eventually go to the 2 grandchildren. Perhaps SGD 2M ignoring inflation. - Assumption: Aunt Genn doesn’t cash out on her Sydney home, and spend most of it.
.. Based on this assumption, in 40 years she may pass on a large bequest to the 2 grown-up niece/nephew. I would be very old by then. - my own NAV… I will not discuss.
- ^^ All in all, my two kids could end up with SGD 3~5M available to them during their adulthood.
— stewardship .. I’m more concerned about my son. By age 25, I hope he will be mature enough to know budgeting, BurnRate control, risk-taking/risk-assessment, due-diligence, wealth preservation,,, With this maturity, he would take care of his inheritance.
More and more frequently, I’m planning to keep my wealth under my own control, as a steward (guardian) till my 80s or even 90s. But I want to downplay this factor. I can’t let my kids rely on my stewardship. By age 30 they will be independent.
If my kids are unable to hit above the median salary, then my stewardship and the reserve would become important.
I think “multi-gen reserve” and “stewardship” are phrases to capture part of this (vague) concept.
— dementia .. I enjoy cashflow management for my own money and my family’s money.. many big and small daily decisions. These are real-world decisions with implications, so my mind is taking on real tasks. Financial decisions also have some cognitive complexity, so I think it’s a nice, enjoyable brain exercise.
— rEstate appreciation .. Most of my properties would be sold eventually. Hopefully one of them could be held long term, but in which city?
Beijing property … Once grandparents sell it, it would become cash and stop appreciating
— Gold … negative yield i.e. carry cost