— Liquidity .. The remote Australian locations are far from prime locations, and slower [re #1173] to attract buyers esp. affluent foreign buyers.
==== Birmingham deal
Affinity Living Lancaster Wharf
“tiny unit at prime location” … is my ideal. This deal is closer.
— forex risk/opportunity
— rental yield
— income tax … Richard said .. often zero
— local rental agent fee .. 10% of actual rental income
— interest-only mtg
==== Perth deal
— ForwardHazardRate
A common trap — assuming everything will work out as planned
— Better than Eynesbury…
- lower quantum … but still too high
- shorter time to get tenants .. but *some* assets elsewhere are currently tenanted and superior.
==== Eynesbury .. Ken Dodds (Resimax partner) presenting Eynesbury project
Resimax is the biggest private (i.e. unlisted) residential developer, but (LZ.Yu) hard to research on them.
Due to quantum, I can only consider the land asset. The promised appreciation potential (albeit safe) is not enough as a compensating factor for the negatives:
- 👎 For the land asset, liquidity is inferior to a house asset. See below
- 👎 Rental is zero without a house
- 👎 FX .. see below
- ^^^ None of these negatives are address by Patrick’s framework. Some of them are listed in the risk disclosure, but not covered in depth.
LZ.Yu: In many countries, foreigners often face higher taxes + restrictions when buying/selling.
— loc: LZ.Yu asked .. Why is Resimax selling to Singapore investors if the project is easy to sell to locals? I feel the location is obviously not prime, so locals are not keen at all. If a foreigner spends a few months there they would hear locals talk about different towns and understand “not prime”. Perhaps comparable to a new spot in Bayonne or Greenburgh.
Later I told LZ.Yu that overseas investors do often profit from unpopular locations.
Ken himself probably bought at a much lower price like below half.
— leverage .. Given the projected appreciation, many people take on debt but leverage is very likely to jeopardize my ezlife bubble. Leverage weakens my “rail” (or a pillar beneath). Leverage also creates a cross-currency LIR hazard that’s hard to contain.. See %%riskTolerance: which countries feel OK
Someone (Resimax? GEX) proposed that we take max leverage during land development and again max leverage during construction. This entire scheme is built on shaky foundation i.e. the optimistic assumption that asset appreciation stays on track. What if it dips?
Like PAP gov, I am prudent in my cashflow planning. Among all investors at BGC and Cambodia, I always make the most reliable payments. That’s largely based on ample cash position and zero leverage. I guess many fellow investors become burdened by leverage.
— how to sell land without construction. This is a tricky question.
* without analysis, we can have unfounded positive or negative perceptions.
* with some analysis, we can have unfounded positive or negative perceptions.
Ask Gex/resimax. Basically no open market.
Aaron Lee told me a story of his client buying land in U.K. There is appreciation on paper, but very hard to liquidate the lot without a house, so the guy was forced to top up when developer demands it.
some investors had no choice but sell back to developer before settlement (i.e. land title transfer).
IFF they are lucky to land on a paper profit, then they lose only the fees (like 50k). Developer would buy back at the original price and sell to someone else at a higher price.
IFF they are lucky to land on a paper profit above 50k, then they can avoid losses in AUD terms.
— How much value does GEX add? Their screening criteria is very different from mine and may not be relevant to me.
If there is a problem mid-way, then hopefully the GEX team can help.
— need to compare this against other opportunities
div stocks
I don’t mind up to $10k just to capture the lucrative opportunity…. With MOETF, I enjoy flexibility with quantum.
— fx risk .. Even if I achieve a realized profit in AUD, the final cash out converted to SGD could come to a loss.
I can’t remove this hazard, this stressor and potential storm threatening my ezlife bubble. Xp at BGC?
I progressively bought PHP…
By my standard, I need to have AUD income or 300k AUD asset to support this real estate investment. Not practical.
— outgoing cashflow
in 7 days 6.4k FIRB fees [valid for 4Y]
by early Sep 10% of the 307k price
early 2024 30% of the price (the other 60% on vendor loan, backed by the land asset)
early 2024 46k fees
^^^^ total A$175k, with 60% loan
— rental income tax
can offfset with depreciation, mtg cost
— capital gain tax
can offset with depreciation costs
— country and locality
80% owner-occupied in the region (Victoria or Melbourne or Eynesbury)
1.7% vacancy rate in Melbourne
16% pa growth in home valuation in the “area” but which scope exactly?
^^ projected or historical
Australian population rising…
72% of Australians live in landed housing.. plenty of land.
31% of Australians are renters.