Alan Tan … said U.S. stock market shows self-renewal.
see also the older blogpost [14] long-term +ve trend: U.S.only
My conviction is based on 1) data 2) explanation.
- Data: I guess U.S. market dwarfs Europe and Japan markets, among the established, mature markets.
- Explanation: Hkex, in my view, is dominated by China-themed stocks [H-shares, P-chips] and viewed with suspicion except in Chinese-dominated communities [like SGP, MYS]. Globally, I think China stocks are perceived similarly to India stocks, Russia stocks, Korea stocks, Latam stocks.
- Explanation: global mind share — U.S. equity enjoys disproportionate mind share among the investing public as well as the professionals. When a new investor think of stock markets to invest, U.S. stocks and indices are the first to consider and often the default choice. If investors form a pyramid, then the base layer (largest number) investors would choose US stocks in addition to their homeland stocks. The base layer won’t bother with Europe or Japan stocks.
- Explanation: passive investing — Increasingly more investors choose passive index funds. I believe there are many more index funds for U.S. market than non-US markets. Also the U.S. index funds are more mature and have longer track record, attractive to the less confident base layer of investors.
- Explanation: optimism — majority of U.S. stocks are owned by Americans. Americans are more optimistic. Even non-Americans are more optimistic about U.S. stocks than their homeland stocks !
- hypothesis: global herd instinct — I now believe that herd instinct is in America’s favor.
- hypothesis: Many professional funds [offered by banks, insurers, pensions] have a theme like regional theme or sector theme … I think they invest in U.S. stocks more than non-U.S. stocks.
- Explanation: hot money — There’s more hot money than before, such as those BRIC citizens. Hot money follows mindshare
- Explanation: Majority of the symbols listed in the U.S. are U.S. companies. They are often more profitable than companies in other countries.
- Explanation: in a down turn, some U.S. blue chips are perceived as safer, defensive.
- Explanation: USD — is perceived as a safe haven currency and a default currency. JPY and EUR? no big stock market to match America’s
I’m slightly more “independent” in my thinking. For yeas my U.S. allocation among my equity holdings was around 10% to 20% no more than 25%. I also flipped through the influential [[irrational exuberance]] written before the dotcom crash.
==== shorter trough, faster recovery
I like Jay Seide’s summary — the broad U.S. stock index always rebounds after a big correction. See [[irrational exuberance]]. Using whatever arbitrary criteria, let’s say there have been 20 crashes over 20 years. Among them, this rule has seldom been broken — recovered within 3 years, usually within a year.
However, Longest trough in Nsdq100 is 17Y
Q: why U.S. stocks show better trough i.e. faster recovery?
— reason for China’s long trough: retail investors tend to bid up the price too high, resulting in a super-long trough. In contrast, U.S. market has more institutional investors. Vance of DBS pointed out that China markets are increasingly open to foreign institutional investors
— [warning] data sample size is very small
There are not 500 regions where only one region (US) is head and shoulders above the rest (like Linus Pauling who twice won Nobel prize unshared).
There are not 90 (non-overlapping) trough periods in a data sample where the shortest 5 all belong to the U.S.
— [warning] regime change
— [warning] index composition differences .. Vance of DBS believes the index component is one reason. He said STI has mostly sunset-sector stocks. However, I would say hot tech stocks tend to become overhyped leading to longer trough.