Depending on your idea of middle-class lifestyle, some families spend $10k/M, some $15k/M.
Q: now that my retirement, medical, housing needs are taken care of, and college funding brushed aside (all related to CPF), do I have no aspiration to spend more like my cohort? If yes, then which specific expense items would I consider increasing?
— investments: property; dividend stocks; ETFs; HY/PE;
— investments: gold
Compiling the list below reveals to me that what I care about is different from what my peers spend on. It’s crucial to attend to the needs of the self, rather than other people’s desires.
— lower paying, lighter job .. not a popular middle-class spend, but scratching a real itch.
— shorter commute .. another itch
— keep wife a stay-home mom
— get wife a bachelor’s degree
—- now some items similar to lifestyle creep
— wider variety of healthy foods
— more (low-cost) sports equipment to encourage everyone to stay active
— more yoga classes .. one of the truly luxury spends. To my delight, increasingly I can practice on my own.
— more vacations .. not my top favorite, but wife and kids will enjoy